Wednesday, March 11, 2009

~Tapanga Rose LeBlond-Manzano~

Hi every one! My name is Jennifer LeBlond. I have a 3 month old daughter named Tapanga Rose LeBlond-Manzano, and a husband named Christopher Manzano. My daughter was taken by CPS on January 22nd 2009. It's been a while without her but we are trying so hard to get her back. They took her because of some lies that were told about me by a counsler I had. We might get her back on the 24th or the 25th of this month! We hope! I was breast feeding her at the time that she was taken and now am un able to do so! It makes me so sad to be without her! We miss our baby boo so much I often cry myself to sleep just thinking about her! But today we got some great news! Since the beginning we have been wanting her to go to live with our good friends, they have 2 children of there own! I think that the mom in this family is so strong she has had to go through so much already and she still gives her all to everyone she meets and her family has helped us at every turn of this process! she is there for ever court date and she also is there for us when we have questions! I have to say she is our Gardian Angel through and through! I am naming her the new godmother of Tapanga Rose for ever! Words can not express how greatfull we are to her and her family for all there help through theese trying times! Especialy after what they have already been through with their own verry special angel girls of there own! And her oldest is so strong for her age! This woman inspires me to be a better mom and a better person! I hope when we get our daughter back I can be half the mom she is! I just want to thank them personaly and tell them how much it means to me that they are there for us! well, sorry got off topic, kind of, lol. Well Tapanga is living with that family now! I am really happy that she is there now! Now I know whare she is and I also know she is in great hands! I wouldn't wish it any other way... except if she were to come home. Theese pics is of Tapanga when she was inside me! lol she is so cute! And then some are of her when she was first born and some are new! I hope you enjoy the pics! She is our little angel girl! She completes my life and makes everything worth it! She Make everything I went through as a little girl worth it in the end! I am so great full for her and my husband and my new life! Everything I went through as a child was so bad I never thought I would make it this far but I have come so far since then! I have been raped, and beaten by my father and I have been so scared that I would never be a mom and now I am! I just want every one to know that no matter what happens! Life gets better! I should know! I was adopted by a wonderfull woman when I was 10 and now I am a better person than I would have been with out her! She put up with me when no one else would! She is so special to me! she makes me feel like I belong! I have always been an out sider but when she came along she made me feel like I was part of her life from the beginning! It was like she took one look at me and sad "You're MY daughter and that is that! I don't care what any one says!" I don't think I would be half the woman I am today if it wornt for her guidence and acceptance! She knew what I had been through and she took me in any way and decided that it wasn't my fault I was so... distant from people! She always gave me my space and let me learn how to open up to her in my own time! I am so greatfull for that! She is a wonderfull mother and a wonderfull grandma too! Thank you mom! My life has never been easy but I always knew that she would be there for me no matter what happened to me! No matter what I did she always found a way to forgive me and she still kept me! I was always pushing the boundries of her patience and trying to see what it would take for her to give me back like every one else had! She never did! I know now that the word Mother has nothing to do with DNA or BLOOD or and thing like that! Mother means Some one who truley loves and cares for you no matter what! I love you mom! I will update this blog when I get a chance! Enjoy theese next pics! I do!! Thank God for Tapanga Rose!!! She is my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok well here is some more info! My husbands parents have been so great about everything too they have been helping from the get go too! they helped us makeover practicaly our whole house! Even our neighbors have been helping out alot! And my uncles have helped out a bunch too!... well they arn't really my uncles I just cal them that cause they are like uncles to me! any way we have gotten alot of help through out this tough time! and we really apreciate it! I mean we arn't done yet but we are getting closer! we are done with 2 out of 3 bedrooms and 1 out of 2 bathrooms! It's a work in progress and we are trying really hard to get everything done that needs to be done! and we need it done in time! well I don't know what else to say!.....I am so tired though I am going to go to bed now! well ttyl! and good luck and god bless you all! wish us luck in our ventures! and thank you for reading this! ~Jenny~

1 comment:

  1. Jenny, I just want to say that as grateful as you are to me for adopting you and sticking with you through thick and thin, I am just that grateful that it was YOU that came into my life and became my daughter. I have said that to myself, over and over, that I am so glad that I was the one that got to be your mom. I love you to pieces, sweetie, and I am very proud of you. I wish you and Chris and little Tapanga Rose all the good things that you deserve. love - Mom
